Thursday, December 6, 2012

1 Peter 2:21 WORDart

Happy Thursday!

I have another requested WORDart for you today.

1 Peter 2:21 WORDart by Karen for personal use

(click image to download)

I am so very thankful for the example that Christ gave us on how to live.  He gave us an example of faith, an example of trust, and love, and mercy.  He was willing to suffer, that we might have eternal life.  He called us to live for Him and be a light to others, to be an example of those very same things.  I want to follow in His steps.  Help me, Lord, to make right choices!

Thank you for stopping by today.

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kiwimeskreations said...

Thank you Karen - beautiful script, as ever, and a challenging 'thought'... and we surely do need his strength and Grace to follow Him.

Jennifer said...

May I always seek to follow in His footsteps! Thank you Karen!