Friday, March 25, 2016

Word Art Wednesday - Psalm 130:5

I know I am running behind yet again.  I just can't seem to stay on top of my blog. Here is the Word Art Wednesday wordart for March 16th.  Hopefully, I will be back in a few days with next week's.

Papercraft Memories: Psalm 130:5 WORDart by Karen for personal use
(click image to download)

I pray you all have a wonderful Easter weekend with your family celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Marilyn Mathis said...

I know the feeling of running behind. I am retired and seem to never finish what I am supposed to do. Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs and have a blessed Easter.

Kiwi said...

Lovely scripture word art Karen,thank you so much! Have a blessed day.xx

kiwimeskreations said...

Thank you for your wonderful word art - and may you know the presence and peace of the Lord this Easter.