I have given my Word of the Year for 2013 a lot of thought and the one word that I kept coming back to was “intentional”. I really want to live my life intentionally, not only this year but I want it to become the way I live my life. To consider every word, every thought, every action. I don’t want to waste my time and energy on things that don’t really matter in the long run. I want 2013 to be a year of growth for me and my family and I think that has a better chance of happening if I live my life intentionally. I’m excited to know that God holds my future and that He already knows what this year holds for me. We are already facing things this year that are bigger than anything our family has ever faced, but yet I feel a peace that God is in control. He knows what He is doing even when we may not understand. When there are more “whys” than answers, I can still be confident in His guiding hand.
I wanted to keep my word in front of me so I made a desktop wallpaper for my computer with my word on it and thought maybe some of my readers may be interested in it as well, so I am sharing it. You can download it here. To use it on your computer download it to a place on your computer where you can find it (I have a folder marked wallpapers), then right click on the picture and choose set as desktop background. Easy Peasy!
I also made a wallpaper for my ipad. You can download that here.
And I made a wallpaper for my iphone. You can download that here.
The graphics I used are from Natali Designs’ Calendar 2013 Bundle and the background is from Cottage Arts’ Simply Storyboards paper pack.
Do you have a Word of the Year for 2013? If so, I would love for you to share what it is and why you chose it.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Karen, you really know how to put into words what the Lord has been trying to teach me this past month! Intentional.....that's just the word I needed! Thank you so much for sharing what it means to you! I to want each thing I do to count for eternity, and not to be wasted. Thank you so much!
I have a word...pleasant. I seem to have lost my niceness somewhere along the way, so I'm aiming to be more pleasant.
God impressed on me to have a 'word' - something I have not done before, and that my word is JOY - joy is not dependant on externals, rather it is a fruit of the Spirit and comes from within. When I (concentrate and) cultivate Joy, then I am in God's presence, and the enemy has no sway in my life.
I love your word for the year and the freebies you created to go along with it! Great way to keep it ever before your eyes (and heart!).
My motto for this year comes from I Cor. 13 -- "Love is Kind." So many ways this can be worked out in my life --- more time for others and less focused on me --- and kind to those with whom I "clash" in personality or otherwise!
Thanks for sharing your heart -- it was an encouragement to me!
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