Thursday, March 22, 2012

Micah 7:8 WORDart

Happy, happy Thursday!  I hope your week is going well.  We are almost to the weekend and I am really looking forward to it.  My two oldest—I guess I should say middle—children are leaving for youth convention this weekend so I will just have my two youngest home with me.  I am not sure what we will do, but I will find something special to do with them.


Here is the WORDart for this week.  I hope you can find a use for it.

Micah 7:8 WORDart by Karen

(click on image to download)

This scripture has been such an encouragement to me recently.  I know in past posts I have mentioned that we have been going through a rough time lately.  My husband’s workplace has been in the process of changing management companies over the past several months. Since he is in the top management position, he is at risk for losing his job.  They have put him through so much junk.  It has been such a stressful time for him (and therefore, for me since he is my man).  Things change on a daily basis and he never knows what to expect when he goes into work each day.  I feel like we have been riding a yo-yo!  It has been so hard to see him lose his passion for a job he once loved; to see the look of dread when he leaves for work each day—it’s heartbreaking.  It is so difficult to see the person you love being mistreated and taken advantage of.  I have to say that I am very proud of my man!  He has kept his head up and when they have put him through things he never should have had to go through, he trusted in God.  Sometimes it is so much easier for us to react as humans and so much harder to give it to God and let him handle it.  I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know that God is GOOD ALL THE TIME!  I am thankful for the light that HE sheds in the darkest of times.  These past few weeks have been some of the toughest that we have experienced together.  For my husband for what he has had to deal with, and for me, well, because I feel so helpless to help the one I love more than anyone on earth, but I KNOW that God is in control.

 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

I am sorry for the rambling and even the venting that I have done today.  I don’t ever want my blog to be about complaining and venting, but I always want to glorify God in all things.  I pray I have not offended anyone in any way.  If you feel to do so, would you help me pray that God’s will be done in this situation and that He would open doors where He wants us to be.  I would really appreciate your prayers. 

Have a blessed day!



Jennifer said...

Karen, life can be so difficult at times as we seek to love and support our husbands. I know at times that I have felt helpless in how to support Him. Praise the Lord that you go to the right place for strength! The Lord Jesus is near to those who trust in Him and His Word is a comfort to all. I shall be praying for you and your husband. Continue to find your peace in the Lord.

Teresa Arsenault said...

You haven't ranted or vented, Karen. You have shared in such a way that brings glory to God, the ONE whom you trust in all circumstances. It is a blessing when Christians can be real about their humanity. Only then can God be shown strong through our weaknesses.
God bless you and your DH as you face injustice. May HE truly be the glory and the lifter of your heads.
Thank you for the wonderful word art scripture.
Blessings & hugs,

Scrapping Julie said...

so sorry your family is going thru this. all of these things make you/him stronger! praying for you.

Esther Asbury said...

I love all the Scripture Word Art you do -- thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Jennifer said...

Hi Karen, I'd like to invite you to my blog. I have a little something for you. Hugs!

Little Birdie Blessings said...

Oh Karen, I'm so sorry for this valley you're in right now. How would your friends know how to pray if you didn't share with us. I will definitely add this to my prayers through the week. ~ Abby

Jan Marie said...

Lifting you and your family in prayer, Karen. May the Lord continue to strengthen and sustain you and give you the grace to trust Him and His perfect will. . .all things that come from His hand are a blessing for His children (something that I am constantly reminding myself of as I sink toward whining or whying!) He is good and He has promised to never leave or forsake His children! It is so hard to see one you love treated unfairly. . .the Lord will defend those are His! Hugs!!