My husband brought home a puppy yesterday. I still haven't decided if I'm going to keep him or not (no, I'm not talking about the puppy.) The puppy was abandoned on the loading dock at my husband's work place and the staff decided to give it to my husband as a gift. Very sweet staff, wouldn't you say? It is a Pomeranian and is only about 6 weeks old. My kids are ecstatic and have already named him Peanut--not really sure about that name. My youngest has been asking for a puppy she could "baby" for about a year now, so she is on cloud nine. She is just so proud of that little puppy.

Ok, so it is really adorable. How can you say no when you are outnumbered 6-1? Looks like he'll be staying for a while. I think I'll keep my husband, too. I would be lost without him, and I need someone to do the dirty jobs:). Anyone have any tips about raising Pomeranians? I don't know anything about them.
So, I'm off to take care of the puppy.
My dog is a pomeranian mix--don't know what she's mixed with but she's a beautiful dog. She weighs in the mid 20's range and is a red headed version of your puppy but with a longer nose. She sheds and we find hairballs in the corners that will blow across the floor like tumbleweed when the air or heat kicks on but overall the shedding really isn't bad. She barks at everything. Like most puppies, she chewed everything(including wood trim around the doors, our deck, etc.) in sight in the beginning but was very easy to housebreak using a crate. She rarely has an accident in the house and the few times she has over the last 9 years or so it's been because we put off taking her outside. I'm not a pet person and will never have another dog but have to admit I've got a good one.
OH MY GOODNESS, he is too cute. I did have a pomeranian at one time. They are very fun, love to play, and cuddle. You do have to be careful though, they are prone to hypoglycemia-which just means they need to eat a little more. Have fun with him, I'm so jealous, I'm waiting to get another one.
oh goodness, how do you say no to that cutie patootie?!?! it's already been abandonded once! (yep, I'm laying on the guilt trip - we moms are wonderful at that!! grins!) and yes, you have been outnumbered and yes, you will probably be the one taking care of it, and yes, you will probably be the one who falls hardest for it!!! :) have fun!
THANK YOU HONEY!!!! I thought there was going to be a dog house in the back yard with the name Phillip on it and not Peanut! I love you and let's be honest, "How can you say No to an adorable face like that!" And if you say yes, we BOTH will be hero's to the kids!!
I Love you sweets, your the BEST!!!
Your Husband. :)
Awwww, now that is just too adorable! There's no way you can say no to that little furball! Awwwww!
He is adorable. How can you say no to such a sweet face, and peanut is a great name...
OMGosh he is adorable! Who would just leave such a sweet little guy like this! So glad you're keeping him. Pomeranians are one of my most favorite dogs, and just this color too!! You're gonna love this little guy!!
What a cutie!
That is one happy looking little girl!! No dog advice , but it is cute. You are a much better sport than I would be if my hubby brought a dog home, The three cats are more than enough.
Oh what a cute little thing he is. I have always wanted a pomeranian and my hubby just laughs. And I am glad you decided to keep your hubby to, like you said someone has to do the dirty work. :)
Oh my... that puppy is a keeper! And, I love the name. Only six weeks old.. gosh.
He is adorable-your not attached to shoes or furniture legs anyway-our puppy is almost two and we are trying to get rid of the gates around the kitchen-so far we've lost 3 pair of leather shoes in two days-but it's not his fault-we're the ones taking the shoes off and abandoning them on the floor!
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