The wedding was beautiful, such a wonderful day. The happiest bride and groom since my own wedding day I am sure. Here they are after the ceremony. Don't they just look so incredibly happy and content together?

Here we are all together. It is really hard to get that many people to all face the same direction and have a smile on their face at the same time. Matthew had a quirky look on his face that was just so natural for him that this was my favorite family photo.

I love this photo. I think it captures their feelings of "its over and I can't believe we are finally married." They have been great friends since they were just little and we always just knew that they would be together forever. It was funny how many people told me at the wedding that they had known since they were just little kids that they would spend the rest of their lives together. We are so happy for them and we couldn't ask for a better son-in-law. He really cherishes our daughter, that is a wonderful thing to see your daughter so loved and to know that she feels the same way about him.

Thanks for letting me share. I will post the invitation, table card and programs I made for their wedding soon. I still need to make their wedding card. I haven't even had the chance and thought I would just give it to them when they come back from their honeymoon.
oh my goodness, these photos make me want to cry with joy! they are so beautiful and so very, very precious! I know that you must be so proud of your beautiful daughter! they look so happy! may God bless them abundantly for all of their lives!!!! :)
Oh what beautiful pictures!!!!!! That last picture is just precious! Looks like a wonderful day (:
Oh what great pictures! I love the one with them coming out of the church.
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