Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Twenty Red Roses

Twenty years ago, yesterday, my husband and I were married. It is amazing to me how fast the time has flown. We have been through so much together. We have six beautiful children that 20 years ago, we never imagined having. They are true blessings and we love them very much. I am married to the most wonderful, supportive, and loving man on earth. I am one very blessed lady!

Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find a massive amount of roses in the doorway. I couldn't even see the delivery man!! Twenty roses is ALOT of roses. They are so beautiful and I just wanted to share them with everyone. Unfortunately, they won't last forever, but this picture will. Thanks, honey. I love you!

I know I should have posted this yesterday, but I'm ashamed to say I honestly didn't think of it. Shame on me!


Stacy Morgan said...

Beautiful Roses. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.

Lynn Put said...

Awwww these roses are beautiful!
Happy Anniversary, I hope you and your DH had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Honey, I Love you too. But I must correct your statement, for it is I who is the luckiest man in the world. You are the backbone of my life and with out you - I could never stand tall and proud. I Love you and thank you for a wonderful 20 years and I look forward with much anticipation of the next twenty.
Yours forever, Phil

specialcraftmom4 said...

How wonderful! Congratulations (:

Cris A said...

Pretty flowers! Happy Anniversary!

bensarmom said...

Awww, what a wonderful husband you and a public, I Love you too! You are a blessed woman indeed!