I love to make personalized gifts and cards. I would be happy to take custom orders. If you see something on my blog you would like in a certain color or personalized with a name, initial, special scripture or even a special sentiment, I would be happy to work with you to achieve what you are looking for. I am always looking for a new scripture to make into WORDart, so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear from you. I can be contacted by clicking the graphic above or at karen@papercraftmemories.com.
ty so much for the free bible scripture digi's...I was reading through them and one has a spelling error, it says "Rejoice in the lord alway" needs an s....can this be fixed? ty just thought I would bring it to your attn, :) they are beautiful and will be awesome on cards
Thank you so much for your posts. They are so inspiring and awesome.
Keep up the good work.
You are a blessing to all of us.
Jo Ann
OMGoodness, what a gold mine of treasures your digis are--thank you so much!!! My goal in card making is to include a scripture verse in each card that leaves my house. This will certainly help. I can't thank you enough.
Karen, you have inspired me to begin celebrating God's Word in a new way by creating my own word art from scriptures that inspire me in my personal readings.
I have purchased fancy fonts and learned how to layer text files to a degree, but I have not been able to accomplish the overlapping of letters that you can do. Is there a special software you use or do I just need to keep practising?
Thanks again for inspiring me to see the Word of the Lord with fresh, excited eyes.
Blessing hugs,
Karen, Just found your site today. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and having the scriptures available in the KJV. I signed up to receive email notifications today and will look forward to hearing from you via when you post something new. May the Lord richly bless you and your family. TGIF......Today GOD is first. Blessings in Christ Jesus, Sherrie Clark
Karen, Praise the Lord, I just found your web site today. What a blessing!! I signed up to receive emails and to be notified when you post something new. So glad there are faithful women who use their talents from the Lord to spread the WORD. Blessings in Christ Jesus or Lord and Saviour. Sherrie Clark.......TGIF.....Today GOD is first.
Hi Karen, I also praise God for your talent to take His holy word and put it in a style which only brings glory to Him! I see mostly King James language do ever use more modern versions which do not use the typical thee, thy, thou, hath, giveth, etc. type verbiage? I also have a question regarding this one scripture, 2 Thess 33, the word establish appears as stablish??? Must have left off the e? You truly do beautiful work, not certain I would have the patience, so I am very thrilled to find this resoure you offer.
Kay, I usually use the King James version, but will use another version upon request. The King James version for 2 Thessalonians 3:3 does use the word "stablish". I know it is strange sounding to us, as we would say "establish".
Thank you so much for the Scripture Word Art. I am doing some Scripture cards at the moment and I think these will be great inspiration.
I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful word art shares you send me in my email.
These are beautiful. Our grandson is in Ranger Training in the Army and doesn't have much time to read his Bible. I copied a few of your verses and printed them on cardstock to send him. He can keep them in his pocket and read them as he has a minute. I'm sure these verses will become a part of him as he reads them over and over. Thank you so much for making this wonderful resource available.
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